Meaning Responsible Care
What does Responsible Care mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Responsible Care. You can also add a definition of Responsible Care yourself


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Responsible Care

A voluntary program developed by the chemical industry that helps it to raise its standards and win greater trust from the public. Under Responsible Care, the worldwide chemical industry is committed to continual improvement in all aspects of health, safety and environmental performance and to open communication about its activities and achievement [..]
Source: (offline)


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Responsible Care

Started in Canada in 1985, Responsible Care® is a global, voluntary initiative developed autonomously by the chemical industry for the chemical industry. It runs in 67 countries whose combined chemica [..]


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Responsible Care

 a voluntary program of the world chemical industry based on the implementation of principles and conduct concerning the safety and health of employees and environmental protection, and the commitment [..]


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Responsible Care

Responsible Care is the chemical industry's commitment to continuous improvement in all aspects of health, safety and environment performance and to openness in communication about its activities and achievements.
Source: (offline)

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